You will not be able to save your work or place a FreeStyle order until you sign in, but you can have fun playing with our crafter in demo mode.

Only {{baseGrainPercentage(currentDraft.Recipe) | number:0}}% of the grains being used are a base grain. We require that at least 50% of grains used are base grains for a proper brew.
Pints of beer
BASE RECIPE: {{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.StyleNameCode | uppercase}}
ABV% {{currentDraft.Recipe.Stats.ABV | number:1}}
{{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.MinABV | number:1}} {{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.MaxABV | number:1}}
IBU {{currentDraft.Recipe.Stats.IBU | number:0}}
{{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.MinIBU | number:0}} {{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.MaxIBU | number:0}}
OG {{currentDraft.Recipe.Stats.OG | number:3}}
{{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.MinOG | number:3}} {{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.MaxOG | number:3}}
FG {{currentDraft.Recipe.Stats.FG | number:3}}
{{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.MinFG | number:3}} {{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.MaxFG | number:3}}
SRM {{currentDraft.Recipe.Stats.SRM | number:0}}
{{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.MinSRM | number:0}} {{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.MaxSRM | number:0}}
BASE RECIPE: {{currentDraft.Recipe.Style.StyleNameCode | uppercase}}
ABV% {{currentDraft.Recipe.Stats.ABV | number:1}} IBU {{currentDraft.Recipe.Stats.IBU | number:0}} OG {{currentDraft.Recipe.Stats.OG | number:3}} FG {{currentDraft.Recipe.Stats.FG | number:3}} SRM {{currentDraft.Recipe.Stats.SRM | number:0}}
{{currentStat.Min | number:currentStat.decimal}} {{currentStat.Max | number:currentStat.decimal}}

Choose a Recipe Below and Start Customizing

Base Recipes
{{grain.Step}} oz
BeerGrain BeerGrain
{{grain.ingredient.Name | uppercase}} (BASE GRAIN)
{{grain.quantity | number:1}} oz / {{getGrainIngredientPercentage(grain, currentDraft.Recipe)*100 | number:1}}%
Total Grains:
{{totalGrains(currentDraft.Recipe)}} oz
PicoPak Container
PicoPak Container
PicoPak Container
PicoPak Container
Drag Grains to Add
PicoPak Container
PicoPak Container
{{grain.quantity | number:1}} oz / {{getGrainIngredientPercentage(grain, currentDraft.Recipe)*100 | number:1}}%
Beer Grain
Beer Grain
Beer Grain
Beer Grain
PicoPak Container
PicoPak Container
PicoPak Container
PicoPak Container
PicoPak Container
{{grain.Step}} oz
Beer Grain Beer Grain
{{hop.Step}} oz
Fresh Hops
{{hop.ingredient.Name | uppercase}}
{{getAmountOfSpecificHop(hop.bittering) | number:1}} oz
{{getAmountOfSpecificHop(hop.flavor) | number:1}} oz
{{getAmountOfSpecificHop(hop.aroma) | number:1}} oz
Total Hops:
{{totalHopsOfType(currentDraft.Recipe, 'Bittering') | number:1}} oz
{{totalHopsOfType(currentDraft.Recipe, 'Flavor') | number:1}} oz
{{totalHopsOfType(currentDraft.Recipe, 'Aroma') | number:1}} oz
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
{{getAmountOfSpecificHop(hop.bittering) | number:1}} oz
Hop Bin
{{getAmountOfSpecificHop(hop.flavor) | number:1}} oz
Hop Bin
{{getAmountOfSpecificHop(hop.aroma) | number:1}} oz
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
Hop Bin
{{hop.Step}} oz
Fresh Hops
{{currentDraft.Recipe.Yeast.MinAtten | number:1}} - {{currentDraft.Recipe.Yeast.MaxAtten | number:1}}
Temp Range
{{currentDraft.Recipe.Yeast.MinTemp | number:1}} - {{currentDraft.Recipe.Yeast.MaxTemp | number:1}} °F
Beer Yeast
{{dryhop.Step}} oz
Fresh Hops
{{dryhop.ingredient.Name | uppercase}}
{{getAmountOfSpecificHop(dryhop.hops) | number:1}} oz
Total Dry Hops:
{{totalHopsOfType(currentDraft.Recipe, 'DryHop') | number:1}} oz
Drag Hop to Add
Fresh Hops
{{getAmountOfSpecificHop(dryhop.hops) | number:1}} oz
{{dryhop.Step}} oz
Fresh Hops
{{grain.ingredient.Name}} - {{grain.quantity | number:1}} oz
{{hop.ingredient.Name}} - {{getSpecificHopTotal(hop) | number:1}}oz
Kit includes all ingredients needed to brew, ferment, and carbonate your beer using a Pico: Grain Pak, Hops Pak, Yeast Packet, Carbonation Sugar Packet, and Dry Hop Sachet (as appropriate).