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Tim Wasalski

Aberdeen NJ

After travelling to Munich Germany in 2004 for their annual Oktoberfest, I became absolutely hooked on Beer! Most importantly, I wanted to know more about making beer, the process behind it and the various styles. I soon began Homebrewing indoors on a stove, experimenting, researching … (over and over) thoroughly enjoying it but wanting to know more (and BREW MORE)! I had “the homebrewing bug”, upgraded to larger and larger kettles, mashtuns, fermenters, moving outdoors… you all know what I’m talking about! I still wanted to know more and became good friends with a Brewmaster at a local brewpub. I offered to help out whenever I could just to learn from a pro and see what it really takes to brew on a large scale. It was an absolute great experience and I learned so much from those guys. Over the years I have become a Certified Cicerone (beer server), joined two local homebrew clubs, entered and judged multiple competitions, all along continuing to grow my knowledge around this great hobby and becoming a PicoBrew advocate! I love the West Coast IPA and Belgian styles and find myself favoring my brewing in that direction. That’s not to say I don’t venture off every now and then… its homebrewing, have fun! Cheers!
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